Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Effects of Drugs on the Human Brain

The weight of the human brain is about three pounds. You may not realize it, but your brain is not the same every day. The brain is a constantly changing group of cells. As soon as you learn rather new or have a new skill, new synapses figure. Your brain still enables you to consider delight. Whenever you do something that you get pleasure from, the return way in your brain is activated.
The use of drugs increases the discharge of dopamine from the neurons. The augmented dopamine levels give drug abusers the charge that they enjoy for a little time, but drugs can source changes in the brain that final a very long time. The changes in the brain may be permanent.

The change that occurs when a drug abuser takes drugs is the growth of cravings. If a human being takes drugs and after sometime she/he stops taking them. They will have a strong wish to take more of the drug.

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